Mobile Home Repair Service and More

Discover the extensive range of services provided by R & R Mobile Home Parts and Service, LLC, offering solutions for all your mobile home needs. From anchors, jacks, and setup supplies to doors, windows, plumbing, and more, we have you covered. Whether it's repairing plumbing issues, sealing roof leaks, or fixing skirting damage, R & R Mobile Home Parts and Service makes it easy to maintain your mobile home with DIY tips and access to professional assistance when needed. R & R Mobile Home Parts and Service, in Valles Mines, MO, can be reached at 636-937-9898.

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We Make it Easy to Maintain Your Mobile Home

Mobile homes, like any other type of housing, are subject to wear and tear, and various components can break or require repairs over time. Here are some common issues that may arise in mobile homes and general tips on how homeowners can repair them:

  1. Plumbing Issues: Leaky faucets, clogged drains, and broken pipes are common plumbing problems in mobile homes. Homeowners can try fixing minor leaks by replacing worn-out washers or gaskets. For more significant issues, it's best to turn off the water supply and call a professional plumber to assess and repair the problem.
  2. Roof Leaks: Mobile home roofs can develop leaks due to aging or damage. If homeowners notice water stains on ceilings or walls, it indicates a leak. They can try sealing minor leaks using roof sealants or patches specifically designed for mobile homes. For major leaks or roof damage, it's essential to hire a professional roofer to properly repair or replace the affected areas.
  3. Windows and Doors: Over time, windows and doors may become less efficient, leading to drafts and reduced insulation. Homeowners can repair minor issues, such as adjusting hinges and latches, and sealing gaps with weatherstripping or caulking. For major problems, it might be necessary to replace old windows and doors with energy-efficient ones.
  4. Skirting Damage: Skirting protects the underside of the mobile home and can get damaged due to weather conditions or pests. Homeowners can repair small holes or tears using skirting repair kits or patching materials. For extensive damage, they may need to replace damaged sections with new skirting panels.
  5. Flooring Problems: Wear and tear, water damage, or subfloor issues can cause problems with mobile home flooring. Homeowners can repair minor scratches or chips in wood or laminate flooring with appropriate repair kits. However, extensive damage might require professional assistance to replace or repair the subfloor and install new flooring materials.
  6. Electrical Troubles: Electrical issues, such as flickering lights, blown fuses, or faulty outlets, can occur in mobile homes. Homeowners should first check their circuit breaker or fuse box for any tripped breakers or blown fuses and reset or replace them accordingly. If the problem persists, they should consult a licensed electrician to diagnose and fix the electrical system.

Overall, while DIY repairs can be attempted for minor issues, it's crucial for mobile homeowners to recognize their limitations and seek professional assistance for more complex or potentially hazardous problems. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can extend the lifespan of a mobile home and ensure a safe and comfortable living environment.

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